Terms and Conditions for
business products and services

Small Business customers (up to 10 lines): See instructions on locating the applicable terms and conditions for your products and services.


All other business customers: Refer to the appropriate Brightspeed contract, including any incorporated quote(s)/order(s), for the general and service-specific terms and conditions applicable to your business. If you ordered service but did not sign a contract, follow the instructions for Small Business customers (up to 10 lines) to locate the applicable terms and conditions for your products and services.

For Former Embarq and CenturyTel companies’ products and services, see guidance for assistance on locating the applicable terms and conditions for your products and services.


For products and services that you are unable to locate as described, please contact Small Business Support.

Instructions for Small Business customers

You may have purchased services separately or as a bundle (e.g. Brightspeed Business Bundle Preferred). Bundles may consist of up to three of the following components:

  1. Local service (voice and features) 
  2. Long distance service (1+/operator dialed calls) 
  3. High-Speed Internet 


The name of any bundle purchased is identified on your order confirmation and your invoice. The following will assist you in locating your terms and conditions:

Local service

Your terms, conditions, and rates are located on the tariff library page.  On that page, enter the following search criteria in Step 2:

  • Select Jurisdiction: Select the state where service is provided from the drop-down options

  • Select Entity Type: Select “LEC” from drop-down options

  • Select Entity Name: Find the name of your local service provider on your monthly invoice - if none is listed, your entity is Qwest Corporation, OR  see Locating the Name of your Brightspeed Local Exchange Carrier at other tariff related information.

  • Select Tariff Type: Select “Local” from drop-down options

  • Click on “Search”

Long distance and toll free service

Brightspeed Communications, LLC is your service provider for 1+ and operator-dialed calls, as well as toll free service (if applicable). 

If your service provider was formerly known as CenturyTel Long Distance, LLC (Carrier Identification Code (“CIC”) 0550) or Embarq Communications, Inc. (CIC 5046) and your service is in AL, AR, GA, IL, IN, KS, LA, MI, MO, MS, NC, NJ, OH, OK, PA, SC, TN, VA, and WI, effective July 1, 2022, CenturyTel Broadband Services, LLC will become your service provider for 1+ and operator-dialed calls, as well as toll free service (if applicable). 

Note the following exceptions: Customers with 19 or more lines who have long distance service but no associated local service or have toll-free service that is not billed on the same account as a local service, OR Federal government customers, Brightspeed Communications LLC remains your service provider.

Your terms, conditions, and rates for interstate and international calling are located in the document Rates and Services Schedule Interstate and International No. 10.  To locate your companion intrastate long distance terms, conditions, and rates, at www.brightspeed.com/tariffs, enter the following search criteria:

  • Select Jurisdiction: Select the state where service is provided from the drop-down options

  • Select Entity Type: Select “IXC” from drop-down options

  • Select Entity Name: Select “Brightspeed Communications” from drop-down options

  • Select Tariff Type: Select “Interexchange” from drop-down options

  • Click on “Search” 

Former CenturyLink EMBARQ and CenturyTel companies’ products and services guidance

Your terms and conditions may be located either in the tariff library or in products and services NOT located in the tariff library.

Tariff library information and search tips

The Tariff Library contains electronic representations of the tariffs on file with applicable state commissions for regulated services provided by Brightspeed and guidebooks, price lists or local terms of services for detariffed services. The tariff library also contains schedules governing regulated intrastate, interstate, and international telecommunication services and posted as required by the Federal Communications Commission.


Your contract or the incorporated price quote provides information that will assist you in locating your terms and conditions in the tariff library.  For ease in finding your local services terms and conditions, enter the following search criteria under Step 2:

  • Select Jurisdiction: Select the state where service is provided from the drop-down options

  • Select Entity Type: Select “LEC” from drop-down options

  • Select Entity Name: Select the entity displayed on your price quote from drop-down options, OR see "Locating the Name of your Brightspeed Local Exchange Carrier" at other tariff related information.

  • Select Tariff Type: Select “Local” from drop-down options

  • Click on “Search” 

Products and services NOT located in the tariff library

For products and services that are not covered by the tariffs, local terms of service, or schedules for long distance services, you are subject to both general terms and conditions and supplemental, service-specific terms and conditions as follows:


General terms and conditions

Brightspeed Local Government Customer Annex (for local government customers only)

Products and Services Agreement (ONLY for maintenance renewals or equipment add-ons to existing Brightspeed-sold systems)

Product and service-specific annexes

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